
You've arrived here because of a right turn, or maybe someone gave you the map to this story garden.

I don't want much. Only to take you, for a while, in my world. In my worlds.


jeudi 2 septembre 2010

A beginning

Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a queen. She was standing on the highest tower, in the cold morning. With a few tears in her eyes, she was staring at the horizon. A forest, as far as she could see. But she knew behind, many miles away, her loved king was trying to help her people, and his, to reach an agreement.

Because, you see, they were queen and king from two different countries. Neia and Otrena. The two were near each other, in the south of a very large island in the Empire, called Satrachetta. For as long as tales were told, those two kingdoms had been led by linked rulers. Brother and sister, husband and wife, father and daughter, mother and son. By tradition, Neia had a female ruler and Otrena a male one.

Gaelcediene, our queen standing on the tower, had been Neia's sovereign for over fifteen years now, after her mother died in a tragic accident. She had been an only child. Her mother's brother, the king of Otrena, had been childless, but had a favourite he had given to her for a husband. Illistin, who had been crowned after he married her, to continue the tradition.

It had truly been a love marriage, from the very beginning. And her womb was another proof. Even though they had had twins already, Beani and Nanend, who were to rule after them, their love had conceived another child. Who was very likely to be born in a few days.

Gaelcediene was crying, because she didn't know if Illistin would be there for the birth. He was there when she had the twins, afraid and proud, like any new father. But she crossed her fingers, and headed back to the Counsel Room to hear whatever the Counsellors had to tell today. They couldn't proceed without her. So, she went.

A beginning

There are several beginnings. Beginning of a cycle, of an era, of a life, of an end.

This is the beginning of a quill. Or, rather, the beginning of this quill's opening to the world.

I bid you welcome to my mind. Here, you'll find a few thoughts, a few stories. A mere fragment of myself. I just hope you'll enjoy it.

mercredi 1 septembre 2010

Finding your way

Beani took her sister on her lap.

"Tell me Gali, what do you want to do when you are older ?

- I like being a princess. Everybody does what I want. And they are nice. And I don't have to go and see the Counsellors with you. I like it."

Beani laughed bitterly.

"Well, I wished life was that simple. When you are a child, you feel like a princess. But as you grow older, you understand that people aren't yours. You are theirs.

- But, they do what I want. I don't understand. Am I not a princess ?

- I am the queen my dear, and I do have to do what I am told. The older you grow, the more you have to do for other people. The secret is : if you do everything for people around you, then people won't bother you.

-But... When do you have time for yourself ?"